In the Beginning..

It was as simple as looking for something sweet to eat and being bored at home one night. I found a basic caramel recipe and cooked the first batch – a colossal disaster. I was without a candy thermometer so had to drop a small amount into cold water and wait for results. That was not at all productive. I tried again with slightly better results though not edible yet – I had been warned it could turn into a brick instantly and so to be extra cautious.

With trial comes experience and eventually the recipe was revised to what it is today – a secret! Things were added, removed, and decreased, or increased until I have today’s ReMARKable Caramels. My own recipe! They are stirred by hand, poured by hand, cut by hand, wrapped and bagged by hand… My hands are tired.

As word has spread orders from my immediate area have increased. What has in past years served as a hobby and supplemental income is now much different. While recently finding myself without a job I decided it was time to see if I could make my product my living. What started as a need for a snack has become “a taste to remember”. No more cold water tests, or changes to the recipe and I still don’t use a candy thermometer.

If you are considering making a purchase but are undecided, read a few of the reviews and testimonials.

And thanks for taking the time to visit the site.

Have a blessed day! Mark